April 07, 2010

English speech about drugs

Heiyaaaa !
Huplaaaaaa, minna XDD
Kembali dengan saya diiii *plak*
OK , to the point saja .
I just want to share my speech about drugs .
Hhahah , nyambil iseng .
Gara" waktu kemaren pas ujian praktek disuruh buat artikel untuk pidato bahasa Inggris, gag ada salah nya kan saya bagi disini ?
Saya juga bahasa nya ada yang asal nyomot dari blog orang juga sii.
Arigachuu deh buat yg udah saya ambil bahasa nya. Wkwkwkk ^^v

OK then , here we go ..

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Good morning everybody.
First of all, let’s praise to our God, Allah SWT, The lord of the universe and who has given us the blessing, so we can stay here together. Until I can standing in here. Well, I will begin my speech about “Drugs".
What is drug, what is using and what is the effect of drug ? Drugs is one of psicotropica essence, we know it can destroy our centre brain. It is very dangerous and can shatter our future. There are many kinds of drugs such as marijuana, hemp plants, heroin, extacy and etc. In the beginning, drugs use for medicine especially as shooter and calm medicine, but several person misuse it. Nowadays the most people have been drugs victim because they excite by the drugs enchantment, which is give them imagine, give them everything that they want. Actually drugs is the terrifying devil that will make our life like in the hell.
Did you know ? 500,000 people die from drugs each year. 30,000 people die from abusing alcohol and by drinking and driving. 31% of 9th grade students have tried cigarettes.
Everybody can be drugs victim younger and older. Take note here, the younger or teenagers are very easy become violent of drugs. As we know, the teenagers time are the first era for someone to find the new things. The people who become drugs victim are live around us. They diffuse like the other people, but we don’t know about them, where as they live near with our self, near with our house, near with our school, near with our circles. They are very near.
I think there are many ways to prevent drugs. For examples, doing many school activities such as extracuriculier, play sports, draw, spend time with your parents and grandparents, spend time doing a hobby or learn a new hobby, listen to music, and many more. There are many ways to say no to drugs also, such as by saying “No, thanks”, giving a reason of excuse, walking away, etc .
Finally, I would like to convey my highest appreciation and heartfelt thank to all of my friends in here and to my teacher. Ask forgiveness if I have a mistake and before I close my speech, I want to say, “Say No to Drugs and Say Yes to Life and Study !"

Wabilahi taufik walhidayah,

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb